Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Had 2 fillings done Monday?

I just got 2 fillings in one tooth done Monday and when I floss between the 2 teeth beside it REALLY HURTS! Why? Whats going on? Did something go wrong?

Had 2 fillings done Monday?
When the dentist fills teeth right next to eachother you had a cavity between the 2 teeth. So the cavity was on the walls where to the 2 touch and probably near the gum. The gum is irritated and sore from where the doctor wAs filling the teeth and having the decay there. I say give it more time or call your dentist if you think its a real problem.
Reply:ask your dentist...not people on the internet
Reply:Does the tooth itself hurt, or does the two teeth beside it hurt. or is it the gums around it?

Sorry gotta be more specific.

A lot of times teeth can be sensitve after a filling, but it should never be unbearable, more of a little annoyance. Any pain at that level means something is wrong. Call your dentist and set up an appt.
Reply:There are a lot of "C" students out there that became dentists. Additionally, if your fillings are amalgam, (silver) those types of fillings do not bond to teeth. The amalgam is over 50% liquid mercury and it leeches out over time in the form of mercury vapor. It is designed to do this because there is an interstitial space between the amalgam filling and your tooth. This space is where bacteria build up and form infections. All Amalgam fillings have infections under them. These infections do a lot of damage to the body and each tooth is nerually connected to various organs in the body.

Since the amalgams do not bond to the teeth, the dentists are forced to drill out a reverse wedge to cause the amalgams to stay in place. Since mercury is greatly affected by temperature change that is why it is used in thermometers. It expands and contracts very easily. Each one of your teeth will develop small cracks due to the mercury expanding and contracting. You cannot see the cracks because they are microscopic.

If you get a root canal in one of those teeth later or another tooth, you will get cavitations (bone deterioration) and infections will form in the bone. Again, these infections can cause many problems with the body.

Dentistry is not perfect and in fact, dentists cause huge problems for many people due to these infections. If your fillings were composites, they are not much better. The composites develop a thin layer around the edges and allow infections to develop there.

The only truly good filling is CERAMIC. Ceramic has a hardness of 300, the same as your tooth and it is a very permanent filling.

If you are having pain, it is an indication that the filling is not done properly and you should demand that he take them out and put CERAMIC in them for your own health.

good luck to you

Baby Teeth

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