Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do tooth fillings hurt? What happens? Does the injection hurt?

I'm scared of injections especially in my mouth, never had a filling but got first one on Tuesday, is the drill really big, does it hurt (the filling and injection)? What will it look like, it's a white one but will it be obvious or come out? Aa tell me everything about fillings and how much it hurts or not please!! How many fillings have you had? How can I avoid more cavities?

Do tooth fillings hurt? What happens? Does the injection hurt?
The only thing that will hurt is the shot, but everyone has different tolerances to pain so I don't know how much it will hurt for you. But after it's over, that part of your mouth will be numb. Therefore the only thing you will feel while the dentist is drilling is a bit of pressure, but no pain.

How can you avoid more cavities? I'm sure your dentist will be happy to fill you in on that if you ask him while you're there. But most suggest you brush your teeth a couple times a day and avoid consuming a lot of sugar, especially cola. One girl I overheard talking once said her dentist told her that brushing your teeth after every meal like we were taught as kids is actually more harmful than good as it leads to the quicker wearing away of the teeth's protective enamel.

I'm not sure that professional teeth cleanings by the dentist are really any better than just brushing your teeth at home. I managed to make it to adulthood before I got my first cavity, and I got it just a few months after I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned for the first time (professionally I mean). I have an uncle who had a similar experience. He was already an adult and never developed a single cavity 'til he decided to go to the dentist to have his teeth cleaned. A few months later, boom, he got his first cavity. Coincidence? Possibly... But I myself prefer to just stick with my own toothbrush from now on.
Reply:honestly it doesnt hurt at all i promise

The injection is practically painless

When the dentist starts drilling, its not painful but it can be uncomfortable.

You know when you eat or drink something cold and it hits your tooth??

well thats what it feels like

PS dont listen to Buffhead

He obviously found it painful coz hes such a pussy!
Reply:the injection just feels like a tiny sting prick, then cant feel anything else. dont look at the drill, you will be fine! ive had afew and hate the dentist but teeth are essential
Reply:Don't be scared. The injection hurts for about half a second and that's it, the rest of it definitely doesn't hurt at all. Once the injection goes in you can't feel a thing. I've had about 5 fillings and none of them hurt at all. Your mouth will feel really weird once the injection goes in coz it numbs that whole side of your mouth. It's actually quite funny and an interesting experience. You can avoid them in the future by flossing your teeth everyday as well as brushing and using mouthwash. Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll be fine, it isn't scary and modern dentists are so nice and gentle compared to the old days!!
Reply:No they dont hurt.

Feels a bit strange having the injection but its no worse than when you prick yourself with a pin or something. If you are female, I promise you, a Smear test is more uncomfortable.

Soon as the needle gets in the gum, your mouth goes numb. The filling itself does not hurt to put in and will not hurt when the anesthetic wears off. Unless the dentist is rubbish!!
Reply:The injection can be uncomfortable, but no it doesn't hurt...the drill is tiny, you will not feel a thing I promise. Its the sound of the drill and the anticipation rather than the act itself....The fillings are cemented and won't come not eat sugery sweets and clean your teeth twice a day at least and use a mouth wash...Your dentist can explain all this to you....

Honestly, the injection is a little unpleasant and can hurt a little bit, however if you put on a brave face and try not to think about it (works for me) i'm sure you'll be fine.

I have had one filling which was a root canal surgery and to be honest the pain I felt before I had it dealt with far outweighed the pain of getting it done..

As for avoiding cavities.. Avoid fizzy drinks and crisps..

Good luck with the dentist..
Reply:Don't worry about it. The thought is much worse than having the work done. I used to be scared of the dentist, until one icy day I fell over on the way to having a filling. My back and arm hurt so much I didn't even notice what was going on with my filling. I realised then it was all in the mind!
Reply:It does hurt but not as bad as you think it's going to. It helps alot if you have a good dentist. The drill will feel uncomfortable but it's tolerable. Keep brushing and flossing and you should be fine. I've been told after about 10 to 15 years filllings need to redone. I've had one that was 20 years old redone and the other ones are still fine. You'll be okay.
Reply:i was the same as you, but oneday i had to go cause i was in so much pain and it actually wasnt at all as bad as i had imagined. id say the numbness for 3 hrs after is actually more of a pain!
Reply:My Son enjoys! going to the dentist. I would say it can be a little uncomfortable sometimes, but it's mostly all in the mind.
Reply:Avoid sugar and juices before not brushing for hours, Go to the dentis every 6 mos. for cleanings and to keep up on condition. The injections aren't like they used to be. a good dentist can make it almost painless, it's the thought. Make sure to tell them you are anxious. They actually numb before injecting...make sure they do. The filling is not that bad, the drill sounds worse than it is and you may have some sensitivity to cold and heat for a few days but it will be fine. You'll feel fine in a few hours, the numbness wears off gradually and doesn't hurt either. Just don't bite yourself, easy to do. also don't drink or eat for at least 30 min. after, I personally would wait longer. Eat before you go and drink before you go. You'll be fine.
Reply:i just had a filling and the injection hurts more the the drilling.

you hardly feel the injection at all.

you,ll be ok
Reply:you will feel a pinch from the injections.. not might just feel the vibration from the Drill and also the water from it. it will not hurt you.. once the decay is out. the dr. will scrape any remain decay out., with an instrument that looks like a little scoop. once that is done he will apply a sealer to protect the nerve. which you might smell... not a bad smell. a white filling is soft and will be placed in the tooth. a ultraviolet light will be used to harden the material. then he will adjust the white filling to fit your tooth. that is basically it. I am a dental assistant and have done many of these types of fillings. i also have many myself.. it should not hurt. i have never had a problem. if it does hurt find a new dentist. good luck and don't worry you will be fine....
Reply:Depends how tolerant of pain you are. The injection can be worse than the drill, it's like a small scratch on your gum.

That said, I once broke my 2 upper front teeth, and had to have crowns put in. The dentist drilled away what was left of each of them. It was a very unpleasant experience, I was wriggling like an eel whilst he did it, and the smell of burning teeth went up my nose.

Because of that experience fillings now are nothing. I had a root canal a few weeks ago and nearly fell asleep whilst he did it.

Tell the dentist you are nervous and he/she should be as gentle as they can.

BUT... if you want to scare yourself, watch a film called Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman on Monday night. It won't be as bad as what you'll see in that...
Reply:I had one last week. The injection really is nothing to worry about, you hardly feel anything, and if you do its only for like 2 seconds. The only problem i had was the drill. My teeth are very sensitive so when the dentist started drilling it just went through me (not literally) it wont come out though no. I'd avoid eating on that side though for 24 hours just to be sure. Ooh yeh and the only bad thing is the numbness you get in your mouth and they make you have a rinse when you finished, you cant control it and i just dribbled it all over myself! very embarrassing! Good luck anyway, you have nothing to worry about x
Reply:no fillings dont hurt.I willl give u some tips.take them and u will fell alrite

1.before the procedure starts tell the dentist about your concerns.That includes your anxiety.once u make this clear they will try to help u better to deal with your anxiety

2.Injections...practically they are painless but u can request your dentist to give you a'' topical anaesthetic'' first.This helps a lot in dealing with injections

3.At any point during the procedure if u feel discomfort request the dentist to stop and let them know what you are being thro.That will help u and the dentist.

4.Look at the whole thing ia better to have a tooth filled than pulled out.

5.Ask your dentist for advice on preventing cavities and follow them religiously.

Good luck
Reply:I've had loads of fillings it doesnt hurt.The injection doesnt hurt and the filling doesnt hurt
Reply:I coincidently JUST came from the dentist about a half hour ago from getting a cavity filled so I can speak first hand about my experience. It doesn't hurt AT ALL.

The first thing that they'll do is give you a swab with a bit of gel-like substance on it that numbs your gum. After that they give you the Novacaine injection. Really, all you feel from the injection is a little pinch, maybe. For me it didn't really hurt at all. Once the injection is done, you will feel that side of your mouth get numb. The sound of the drill is really like an electric toothbrush. The head is extremely small and you won't feel a thing from it anyways. Once the drilling is done, they will begin to put the filling itself into your tooth. As far as the filling, they may use the silver material if the affected tooth is not visible. However, in most cases they use the clear filling, as they did with mine.

Really, the hardest part of the entire procedure is part of your mouth being numb. My dentist told me that it can last for anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours, but that it shouldn't be much longer than that.

Best of luck! And I promise you, it's really a big nothing. It doesn't hurt at all so don't bother worrying about it!
Reply:Ill tell you whats worse....the area that needs filling say you leave it and do nothing it will rot and possibly crumble away exposing the nerve now an exposed nerve is worse than childbirth

which would you rather the above or a tiny injection? funnily enough the needle in your mouth doesnt hurt only if he injects in roof of it but still not as bad as the above

i say grin and bear it and youll be fine....once u get anasetic u dont feel the filling
Reply:well im not gonna say it feels good but its not that bad u just go in and they give u a little tiny shot to numb ur mouth so u dont feel the drilling or lazer and then they strart going in there and u dont feel it just dont think about it look at the ceiling and have someone in there with u to talk to!
Reply:No, they simply do not. I'm 15 and I recently got told, that I was going to have to have a filling on the bottom line of my gum. I was scared, senseless. I walked in and cryed - before they even started. I was shivering and thinking - OH NO!

But.. they put gel or spray on your gum, that helps to numb it and when the injection goes in, it is not even bad! I held the nurse's hand and chilled and when it was done, I thought to myself, "Is that it?" - I simply couldn't believe it. They treated me kindly and told me that my mouth would be numb for some time, which was probably the worst part.. because I could not eat properly for a few hours.

But, no! Don't worry. I'd go back any day and have it done. Infact, I think my white filling has chipped a little.

So, no! Don't even get your knickers in a twist about it, I'm telling you now, it is nothing compared to what you think!
Reply:Dentistry has changed enormously (for the better) over the years. A lot of dentists now have what they call the Wand instead of using a needle for injections. Its a computerised thing and is wonderful. Whereas with a needle what tended to hurt was not so much the actual pricking, but the speed at which the fluid was injected, with the wand, the computer measures the dosage at just the right speed. As for drills, they too have evolved and got faster and less noisy. To avoid more cavities? Less junk and sweet foods, more brushing and flossing etc.
Reply:Don't worry about injections unless the dentist is inexperienced and doesn't know how to do a "comfortable" injection.

The burning associated with an injections is what hurts and can be eliminated with a slow technique.

Bring headphones to listen to.

keep smiling,

Dr. Marvin
Reply:the filling does not hurt but eh injection hurts like crazy
Reply:It is the most painful experience ever. You will want to die.
Reply:It's the most painfull operation i've had and i have had liposuction and brain surgery, they seem weak in comparison. Don't worry, you'll get a lollipop at the end.

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