Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fillings for gums?

The last time I went to my dentist for a cleaning, she told me that some of my gums had receded due brushing too hard and that I would need to get fillings (about 3). I declined at that time since my initial bill would be 10x more (seriously) but I was wondering: aren't fillings intended for cavities? What could they possibly due with receding gums? I need to go back for another cleaning, and I'm sure this topic is going to come up again there...

Fillings for gums?
the material that will be placed in these areas is the same as filling material used to fill in an area that had decay. the dr. is only encouraging this because receding gums can expose areas of the teeth with nerve endings, making you very sensitive to eating and drinking. placing these types of fillings is a very common practice and may slow down the recession you are experiencing from toothbrush abrasion. ask your dentist and hygienist any questions you have. good providers ALWAYS take patients questions and concerns seriously.
Reply:filling for gums? its the first time I am hearing about it or you must have heard the dentist wrong. Gum does not recede due to brushing heard, it would have receded due to bone loss below the gum because of infection. You may need a bone filling know as bone transplant using artificial bone or may be filling up of the dentist's pocket.
Reply:Since the cause of the recession is toothbrush abrasion, I hope the hygienist told you to use a soft toothbrush and reviewed proper tooth brush instruction to avoid this from happening again to another tooth/teeth or increasing the recession....

Sometimes placement of something called 'Barrier' on the recessed areas will decrease the sensitivity caused by TBA... if it's really worn down, composite fillings can be placed...

Hope this helped~

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