Monday, November 16, 2009

Fillings filed down too much? What is going on? With my molars?

I went to the dentist to have some fillings redone (back molars). After the numbness wore off It felt as if one of my teeth had become a big lump. I hit down hard, and before the rest of my teeth. I went back in the next day. The dentist told me the filling/bite was high. So then he filed it down. Ok, so I thought problem solved? No, not really, now (after a few days) it feels as if he filed too much off in the back. Does this sound right? Now it seems as if my front teeth are hitting first (or someting). All of my front teeth have even gotten a sore ache. And almost the sensation that they could become loose. Can they fix this? Can they add back? What is going on? I have another dental appointment next week. I hope this can be corrected!

Fillings filed down too much? What is going on? With my molars?
The correct bite for everyone is to have all your teeth hitting in the back evenly and little or non in the front. This can be corrected by getting a complete bite adjustment which is really no big deal. Just a few minor adjustments to your teeth to get everything hitting evenly. Or, Yes, he can add to the filling to make it higher, but it would be better to get the bite adjustment done because you probably need one anyway. Everyones teeth shift and should be adjusted to hit evenly about every 5 years.
Reply:Unless the dentist is going to remove the entire filling and replace it, try to endure the proceedure without novicain. Without the numbness, you will be able to feel the bite and tell the dentist if it is wrong while you are still sitting there. Also, the dentist will never be able to get the tooth to be exactly right, so your bite will always feel a little different after a filling. Sometimes it just takes a few days to get used to it.
Reply:they can fix are right..get it fixed so you dont feel sore asap..good luck

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