Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What sandwich fillings to eat when dieting?

Im currently trying to loose weight from having my 2nd child. Im a vegetarian and eat sandwiches for lunch. Im currently eating sandwiches made with wholemeal bread with fillings such as salad, cheese, low fat cheese spread, egg mayo made with low fat mayo, or sometimes ill have a veggie burger in bread. But im not sure if these are going to help me loose weight, i always have salad in my sandwich though. Has anyone got any suggestions of some sandwich fillers for me please which are no meat or fish that are healthy. thanks

What sandwich fillings to eat when dieting?
It sounds like your sandwich fillings might be a little low on fiber. I would suggest experimenting with more bean based fillings.

You could do hummus, spinach, and tomato. Or black beans mashed with salsa, greens, and a tiny slice of avocado.

I would also recommend looking for some really high fiber bread. Wholemeal is a great start, but it's hard to know exactly how healthy it is by name alone. I would aim for at least 3 grams of fiber per slice of bread... more is even better. If you can't find high fiber, whole grain bread, I would recommend trying a "low carb" tortilla - as those are usually vegetarian, with tons of fiber.

Finally, if you are getting your salad only in your bread, you're probably not eating enough vegetables to really push some weight loss. I'd recommend putting veggies in your sandwich and making a medium sized salad to go with it.

I've included a link to a huge list of vegetarian sandwhich fillers below:
Reply:try eating two boxes of exlax every day.
Reply:grilled portobella mushroom.

veggie subway sandwich.

grilled eggplant
Reply:Try to avoid eating bread too much. How about salad with a low fat dressing on rice cakes. As long as it is made up right away ie take the sald to work etc and don't put it on the rice cakes till you want it then pour dressing on top (low fat) yummo! How about wraps as well. Mountain wraps are great, thin and virtually no fat and nutritious. You can make them in advance with any filling you want. Avoid too much dairy, and higher fat dressings. Use salt/pepper for flavour rather than dressings and dairy. Low fat cheese or cottage cheese is great in small amounts too. How about some days just salad without bread and some rice crackers on the side. Also drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon in it (helps body absorb good things better and fills you up) before eating and have a piece of fruit before your lunch also or for arvo or morning tea, fills you up and soooo good for you.
Reply:You can try tomato and cheese with light mayo with salt and pepper to taste on toasted bread. You can also nix the cheese and save the calories. Tomato sandwiches are YUMMY!

Try slicing veggies long and thin (not paper thin), roasting them, then stuffing a sandwich with them. Yum! Try grilling veggies like this, and slices of pineapple seems pretty good in a sammich.

To save calories with mayo, try mixing 1/2 light mayo with 1/2 mustard. You can spread mayo on one slice and mustard on the other, or mix them in a small bowl first and spread the mixture. I like it, takes the edge off of mustard (which I don't like) and it lightens up the mayo. Another good option is to use spaghetti sauce instead of mayo. I use it on toast and sandwiches, it's really good.

I like the fillings you're using already, they seem pretty healthy to me.

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