Friday, November 13, 2009


ok so i have to have a filling, not sure hoe badly or anything and ive never had any dental work before, im really scared, can someone put my mind at rest and explain whats involved, or i will keep putting it off and i really need to have it!!! thanx

Please don't put it of or you'll be sorry in the future! You'll be ok, you don't want to go too long because it could turn into a root canal problem and the pain and money spent will be much more than now. if you visit your dentist regularly you can prevent a lot of problems from happening and spend much less money. preventative services are much less expensive than restorative services. insurance usually covers 100% of preventative services.
Reply:You'll probably get some anaesthetic injected into your gum, then the cavity will be drilled (not as bad as it sounds), the tooth gets cleaned and then the hole is filled.

When I've had fillings, it hasn't hurt.

There's nothing at all to be worried about :)
Reply:First, ask for nitrous (laughing gas). This won't put you to sleep but it will help you relax. Having a filling is no big deal! The dentist will numb your tooth first. Then they will use a hand-piece to clean out the cavity. It shouldn't hurt at all and if it is sensitive, the dentist will stop to add more anesthetic. The worst part is the sound so I would recommend bringing some music with headphones. That really seems to help. After they get the tooth cleaned out they will put the filling in. Once the filling is in they will make sure it is adjusted to your bite. When you leave you will still be numb but that only lasts approximately a couple hours (depending on how much anesthetic was used). Don't wait to get it filled because the cavity won't go away it will only get bigger and if you wait too long it may affect the nerve which would require a root canal. Please don't be scared, it really is nothing to worry about!

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